Crozant Medieval Fortress
Afbeelding van de locatie
Michelin Gids
Burgerlijk en militair monument
De beoordeling van de Michelin Gids
George Sand described Crozant as an "old castle built by the Visigoths on a forbidding rock at the confluence of the Creuse and the Sédelle". It defensive location on a long narrow outcrop has earned it the nickname "key to the Limousin". Hidden among dense vegetation, its austere façade softened by mullion windows clings to the rock dominating the ravine, making for an impressive scene. Climb the fine staircase in the Renard tower to enjoy a view of the Creuses Valley.
Praktische informatie
+33 5 55 89 09 05
Route Isabelle-d’Angoulême
23160 Crozant
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