Afbeelding van de locatie
Michelin Gids
De omleidingen waard
De beoordeling van de Michelin Gids
One of those restaurants that every food-lover should get to know! The rapport formed between chef Felipe Bronze and sommelier Cecilia Aldaz works wonderfully well, with large doses of friendliness, in this charming and elegant restaurant one block from Leblon beach, where the cuisine is a fusion of Brazilian roots and cutting-edge technique. This is reflected in the Afetividade and Criatividade menus (with two and four main courses, respectively) which pay homage to the different regions of Brazil. The kitchen is situated upstairs, hence the almost constant and careful movement of trays up and down the stairs. What impressed us first and foremost was the creativity of the starters, including the superb oysters with jabuticaba, and the selection of appetisers to eat with your hands, some of which are crunchy, some Brazilian, and others inspired by Japanese cuisine.
Avenida General San Martin 889
Rio de Janeiro 22441-015