Chassiron Lighthouse
Afbeelding van de locatie
Michelin Gids
Burgerlijk en militair monument
De beoordeling van de Michelin Gids
In return for your effort in climbing these 224 steps, you will be rewarded with a vast panorama across Oléron, the rock of Antioche (which resembles an engulfed city), the isles of Aix and Ré, La Rochelle and La Pallice. Around the tip of the headland, at low tide you can see fish locks. An audio guide-cum-show in the guardian's former house examines the life of the headland's inhabitants, "land sailors and sea farmers". The splendid Jardins du phare gardens should not be missed.
Praktische informatie
+33 5 46 75 18 62
Pointe de Chassiron
17650 St-Denis-d'Oléron
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