Art Museum of Lima
Michelin Gids
Een bezoek waard
De beoordeling van de Michelin Gids
Entirely revamped in 2015, this museum showcases a stunning collection of Peruvian art: Chavín, Mochica, Nazca, Tiahuanaco, Chancay and Inca ceramics, Paracas fabrics, Chimú and Mochica gold and silver jewellery, paintings by the Cuzco School (17C), furniture, objects and ornaments from the colonial and Republican eras (beautiful collection of crucifixes and fans). The visit ends with several rooms devoted to 19C and 20C artists and a 3D-display which enables the visitor to "fly over" the Nazca lines!
Praktische informatie
+51 1 2040000
Paseo Colón 125
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