Capo Carbonara Geo-Marine Park
Afbeelding van de locatie
Michelin Gids
Een bezoek waard
Natuurlijke locatie
De beoordeling van de Michelin Gids
Off the coast of Villasimius there emerges Isola dei Cavoli to the southeast of Capo Carbonara, and Serpentara to the east of Punta Molentis: these two islands are part of a protected marine area, the Parco Geomarino di Capo Carbonara. The Isola dei Cavoli, which boasts a rich marine life, is also a nesting place for Peregrine falcons and Cory's shearwaters. Serpentara is made up of a landscape of rocks and coral reefs, which form natural pools. Boat trips and guided tours of the park are organised.
Praktische informatie
+39 070 790234
Isola dei Cavoli
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