Stausee Mattmark - Mattmark Reservoir
Afbeelding van de locatie
Michelin Gids
Een bezoek waard
Natuurlijke locatie
De beoordeling van de Michelin Gids
To reach this resevoir, at the top of the Saas Valley, follow a small road from Saas Grund that offers beautiful views of the Saas-Fee glaciers. From the car park, allow 5min to reach the left end of the dam, which shows Stausee Mattmark Lake (1.76km²) surrounded by four glaciers (Hohlaub, Allalin, Schwarzberg and Seewjinen), from which many waterfalls descend. The lake has a capacity of 100 million m³ and a maximum depth of 117m. A path goes around it (2hr 30min).
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