Afbeelding van de locatie
Michelin Gids
De beoordeling van de Michelin Gids
The grand piano at the entrance and the lounge with its high ceiling and skylight take us right back to the New York of the 1940s. A symbol of quality, glamour and fine dining, the Fasano is renowned across Brazil for its classic Italian cuisine, albeit with a modern touch. The menu, designed by chef Luca Gozzani, showcases an extensive array of copious and surprising dishes on which pasta plays a starring role. We can recommend starting with the creamy burrata with Parma ham, followed by a succulent lamb fillet with gnocchi, with a delicious panna cotta as a final flourish – a combination of dishes that will take you on a gastronomic adventure back to Italy. The exceptional service from the front-of-house team makes the experience even more special!
Rua Vitório Fasano 88
São Paulo 01414-020