Talvo by Dalsass
Afbeelding van de locatie
Michelin Gids
De stap waard
De beoordeling van de Michelin Gids
Martin and Andrea Dalsass are a congenial father-and-son duo. Martin, a dedicated Michelin-starred chef of many years' standing, likes to keep things simple, delivering unfussy dishes that are full of flavour; his son Andrea is the ideal host and has a passion for wine – the list here comprises some 800 labels. Olive oil is also a serious business here! Their delightful Engadine farmhouse, dating back to 1658 and boasting a remarkable culinary history, makes for a beautiful setting. Talvo combines cosiness and rustic elegance. Some of the tables are in the gallery overlooking the lower restaurant area. Should you be interested in making a purchase, the pretty decorative cows adorning the tables are for sale, along with a range of delicatessen goods.
Zijn sterke punten
Via Gunels 15
7512 Sankt Moritz