Jindrichuv Hradec Castle
Afbeelding van de locatie
Michelin Gids
Burgerlijk en militair monument
De beoordeling van de Michelin Gids
Most of the visitors to Jindrichuv Hradec come to admire its superb castle, formerly the abode of the lords of Hradec. A circular tower, huge hall and a chapel bear witness to its medieval origins, but alterations carried out in the 16C have left their mark on the building. The main courtyard is enclosed by a handsome three-storey arcade. Paintings by Brandl, Skréta and Salvator Rosa are on display inside. The airy Rondel pavilion, in the midst of the French-style garden, completes this admirable picture.
1/I Dobrovského 1/I
377 01 Jindrichuv Hradec
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