100/200 Kitchen
Afbeelding van de locatie
Michelin Gids
De omleidingen waard
Duurzame gastronomie
De beoordeling van de Michelin Gids
What an experience! Here on the third floor of an unassuming factory building, in a loft-style space with an industrial chic design, the open kitchen takes centre stage. Working at a fantastic Molteni stove, set to either 100°C or 200°C – hence the name – the chefs deliver a creative surprise menu that is aligned with the seasons. With a passion and style that is all his own, Thomas Imbusch brings out the seasonal flavours through fermentation and smoking, for example, and turns out honest dishes that remain close to nature. Respect for the produce is the ethos here, with the emphasis on sustainability and small-scale producers who they know personally. To be enjoyed with organic wines or alcohol-free beverages. The "Carte Blanche Tasting Menu" is available in a slimmed-down version at Der Stundentisch. Head to Die Empore to dine à la carte (no reservation necessary). NB: Booking is via an online ticket-purchasing system.
Zijn sterke punten
Brandshofer Deich 68
20539 Hamburg